Teacher passionately explaining concepts to students, keeping them engaged in hands-on learning
February 8, 2020

The Language Mystery!

Language comes spontaneously. It is developed and can’t be taught!

A child under three years of age can easily construct the mechanism of language and speak any number of languages that are spoken around him/her. This begins in the subconscious mind and gets fixed permanently, making it unalterable. The child seems at standstill with a few words for a long time, but there is continuous and great progress resulting in an explosive phenomenon.

In humans, the cortex of the brain has two centers: Aural for heard language and Motor to produce language. The hearing center is the mysterious part of the psyche that subconsciously helps in language development. The human ear has sixty-four strings and not all the sounds in the universe can be taken by the ear, but a language with all variations and tone can be transmitted by it. If the special isolation of these centers had not taken place and had they been left free to receive any sound, a child born on a farm would bleat, grunt, and cackle and a child born close to railway station would produce the whistling and puffing sounds of trains.

Humanity is distinguished by this power of not possessing language but possessing the mechanism of spoken language.

In CHIREC, we focus well on creating an environment that builds exposure towards new vocabulary and helps children pick up the language. Words are being repeated for them to grasp and gradually help them converse in the language taught to them. We make sure they learn the right words along with the apt pronunciations as unlearning could be a difficult process at a later stage. Furthermore, the books that they read are carefully chosen. Apart from having them learn about moral values, they are exposed to the right vocabulary along with enunciation.

In my nursery classroom, I engage my students in picture reading. This gives them a strong foundation and creates an inquisitive mind. The Show and Tell activity enhances their speaking skills and makes them spontaneous. These activities help them to become confident speakers now and later in their life.

  • CHIREC pre-primary students holding Doll of a dog and fish art, actively engage in a show-and-tell activity centered around the letter "D and F."
  • CHIREC pre primary students engaging in an activity, students dressed up a lion while other students are holding other animal characters
  • CHIREC pre-primary students actively engage in a show-and-tell activity centered around the letter "O."

As a mentor, I would suggest parents to reinforce these attempts by making eye contact and responding with speech. Teach your child to imitate your actions. This would include clapping hands, throwing kisses, and playing finger games like pat-a-cake or peek-a-boo.

Talk as you bathe, feed, and dress your child. Talk about what you are doing, where you are going, what you will do when you arrive, and who you would interact with. Use gestures such as waving goodbye to help convey meanings. Read to your child every day and acknowledge their attempts to communicate.

We at CHIREC always ensure that our students graduate with an upper hand at communication!

Ms. Disha Kabra
Class Teacher of C Nursery A – Snoopys

I’m a person who likes to keep my mind running. I’m energetic and I like to delve deeper into every interest of mine. I’ve been involved in the line of teaching for more than ten years and it has become a part of me. Being a mentor towards the kindergarten age group has always been a surreal experience. I’m passionate about dancing and I think it’s something that I count on to let myself loose. Apart from this, I like to draw, and I also practice yoga to stay healthier. Being self-driven and focused is important to me and I like to make use of every opportunity that comes my way.