The heights attained by great men
reached and kept were not
attained in sudden flight
but they, while their companions slept
were toiling in the night.
-Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
These lines written by the poet Longfellow always remind me that no matter how ephemeral life seems to be, we need to always morph into a better version of ourselves and embark on the journey of rejuvenation and revival.
It has been a year and a half since online classes have been in vogue. The Education sector has not only survived the vicissitudes of a pandemic but also its after-effects. There has been a great deal of discourse about reopening schools as COVID-19 cases fall and India begins returning to normalcy. But what is important to note is the social and mental wellbeing of Generation-Z and Alpha (Children born after 2000) and the long-term effects of this pandemic on their psyche. It is no longer a question of whether schools will run online or offline rather schools need to focus on appropriately addressing the emotional distress and social isolation brought by this pandemic on young pupils. Today, Generation-Z and Alpha are trying to stand the test of time and look themselves in the mirror of the future. Ever since online classes have come in vogue, it has promised vistas of transformed education splendour and prosperity. As our culture urges us to buckle down and persevere, Generation-Z and Alpha did the same while battling adversity and uncertainty. Though they were encapsulated in their social bubbles practising physical distancing, they were striving, not because someone guaranteed them success but because they had faith in life.
So, here is my open letter to students of 2020-21.
“Dear students of 2020 and 2021,
You swam through a vast, grey universe during the pandemic. You are a survivor and a war victor during this major catastrophe. One quality that you all shared in the cold and bleak dawn is the ability to believe and have faith that a new day is coming – a day that will be bright and sunny, a day that will see you all back in school.
Today, you have pivoted your thinking around online classes. Soon, an entirely new generation will believe that online classes are an integral part of any school curriculum, though this was once unimaginable. They will have no idea that the very foundation of online learning that they are standing on has been built by a hardworking batch of 20-21.
On that triumphant note, I would like to impart a simple truth that achievements are often anonymous. During the crisis of the pandemic, people came forward to support each other regardless of who they are and where they belong. The survival during the pandemic was a unanimous victory.
Do remember that some of the greatest things that have been achieved in human history are the results of years of imagination, creativity and determination and the efforts of people working quietly and collectively to make the world a better place – and this survival during one of the most fatal epidemics is a success that will leave an indelible mark on the face of history and will always remind us that together we can conquer every obstacle that comes our way.
A millennial

Jyotsna Dwivedi
CAIE Primary Teacher
I am a Primary teacher with a Post-Graduate degree in Botany and English and a Degree in Education. Teaching primary kids is my passion. I love spending my day with them. I work with a desire to bring a difference to their lives. It is astonishing to experience their raw emotions, enthusiasm, and curiosity every day. I feel rejuvenated by their thoughts, ideas and multitudes of personality traits.