Explore exciting alternate career options with CHIREC! Discover diverse paths beyond traditional careers that align with your passions and strengths.
August 31, 2024

A Career as Unique as You: Supporting Students with Unconventional Career Options


The life of every student takes a turn when they finish secondary school. At this age, the larger picture of life; their role as a member of society, as an adult and human being begins to take shape. This is a crucial juncture. Students reach a point where they must think about their impact on the world they live in. Some children show exceptional talent and enthusiasm in some unconventional or unique subjects. Sports, fashion, fine arts, performance and technological innovations are only some of the vast set of new age careers that students might want to pursue.

Encouraging these interests and helping light their way is an important responsibility of parents and teachers. Let’s understand how stepping away from the norms of traditional career options for students can help many of them grow into confident and productive members of society.

Breaking Through the Norms

With the amount of exposure school-going children have to information, it is understandable that students may choose a career that is uncommon. Changing times has also allowed kids to realistically pursue non-traditional careers and find success when they get the right guidance. 

Parents and caregivers hold a special responsibility in this journey. In a world where medicine, engineering, law, and finance are touted as more important or appropriate careers, many children may feel underconfident to pursue a career that may not fit into these categories. In fact, 2 students in school with similar grades may show vastly different levels of ability and talent in different fields. One may be a football champ but may need help with science. One may not have artistic skills but could show exceptional talent in debating. Parents and guardians hold the important role of being supportive and understanding, since family support is the first steppingstone to a successful life, regardless of career choice.  

Identifying what they are good at is a student’s first step into discovering their perfect career.  Apart from making career planning and practical resources available for students with alternative talents, parents and teachers must also provide encouragement and emotional support to them and guide them to take the right steps.  

Exploring Alternative Careers

Alternative careers are defined by unique characteristics that set them apart from conventional careers. These include many factors, ranging from the required educational qualifications to portfolio building, and in some cases to specific physical and intellectual abilities. An alternative career is spoken about less commonly as a feasible option.  

In reality, alternative careers can bring great success to students with talent in specific fields.. Bill Gates switched careers late; after having studied law and mathematics, he pursued a career in technology. Natalie Portman was a student of psychology at Harvard before her career in films. Even musician Atif Aslam studied computer sciences before his career in singing took off. The possibilities are endless if the pursuit is towards the right goal.  

Recognition of talent and encouragement at this juncture is crucial. If a student shows genuine interest and ability in public speaking and debate, they may find success in political work, international affairs or bureaucracy. A student can show unique skills in game strategy and physical ability. In this case, they could be encouraged to train and participate in competitive sports. Some kids are innately curious and constantly tinkering. Participating in practical innovation can be a great fit for them. Certain factors like musical and performance abilities may even be apparent at a very young age. In short, many students have unique capabilities that give them a high potential to find success in alternative professions. The push and encouragement to pursue it must come from their parents, caregivers and teachers.  

How to Step Forward

The best way to approach any career is with thorough preparation. This is a slightly easier process for conventional careers, since these options are more widely chosen by students. Here are a few things to remember when pursuing an alternate career.  

– Recognize Talent and Interest: The first step is always defining strengths. While conventional tools like the internet may not help, a guided talent and skill assessment could help recognise unique skills.

Gather Resources: Choosing a career will require finding resources that can help a student hone their skills, learn about the intricacies of their career choice, and about the realistic ramifications of those choices. It’s important to understand that any career will require dedication and hard work. Certain tools, like guides to choosing an institute for further education, co-curricular classes, guidebooks, audiovisual resources, and identifying pre-existing people in those professions can help a student greatly.

Find Community: One of the greatest strengths that one can have when looking to pursue an unconventional career is to have connections. Doing research about people in unique fields, seeking career counselling, reaching out to people of a similar age pursuing similar career options over physical and online forums, and participating in community events, showcases, and contests can help students gain confidence and learning. 

How We Support Students at CHIREC International School

CHIREC International School believes in recognising exceptional potential in students as an important value. Our students can benefit from several co-curricular activities undertaken by the school.

For the Artists

Dedicated staff and spaces for the practice of several art forms, including dance, music, yoga, fine arts, sculpture and more help our students develop skills that set them apart from the crowd.  

For Future Communicators

Communication is a growing field globally. Students who wish to pursue careers in broadcast, media, radio and journalism are given extra attention through activities like writing for the school newspaper and participating in running CHIREC Radio.  

For Sports Stars

Sport is one of our school’s most important co-curriculars, with dedicated lessons and training being provided for a varied number of sports. Aerobics, football, archery, basketball, kabaddi, tennis, taekwondo and skating are only a few out of CHIREC’s many offerings for budding sportspersons.  

For Leaders of Tomorrow

Our school’s Model United Nations programme is a great platform for the young public speakers and debaters among our student body. We recognise and help harness student potential with expert guidance from TEDx talks at our school, helping our students’ minds grow.

Creating Community with Clubs!

Students can engage with several clubs at CHIREC International School, learning to make collaborative efforts on fun and educational projects during their school years. Culinary arts, theatre, elocution, and even invention and AI innovation; our students can express their talents through enriching club activities and showcases. 


Call it alternative, unconventional, or unique; every student’s career deserves support and the right form of guidance. With high-quality informative resources, support from family members, and access to a community in which a student can thrive, each of them can reach great heights. Not only does good guidance support a student’s formative career years, but it also impacts future career growth. It is necessary for parents and teachers to kindle curiosity and encourage students to step out of their comfort zone and strive for excellence, regardless of their career choice. As for students, finding and following one’s true passion with fearless dedication and hard work is what takes one towards success.